As the Christmas season races towards us at warp speed it's easy to let Thanksgiving slip by with just a quick meal and no real thought on what the day really means. Just like everyone else I know I'm super busy with all the things I think I need to be doing. I wanted to take a little time out this week to just look at all the things I am so thankful for.
God is first last and in between. Faith has been described as belief in something you can't see. I disagree, I can see faith in action all the time. Last week Illinois was hit by devastating tornadoes near here. You can't turn on a TV or look at the internet or a newspaper without seeing the good that has come from this. People from everywhere are working together to help get the towns hurt back to some sense of order. Even in this little town we rally together to provide Christmas gifts for all the children in the community who might other wise have nothing on Christmas morning.
I could write all day about what I think about God but in my heart God is just something that I know without a doubt exists and I can see his hand in all things everyday.
Family comes next. They are the most important people in my life. I have said many times how blessed I am to have the family I was given. I have not had a perfect life and sometimes my perfect family is not so perfect but I could not imagine a day without any of them.
Continuing with family my husband Andy has to be at the top of the list. Who would have ever thought that a college girl from the big city and a small town guy, fresh out of the Army and with no real direction for his life would still be together after forty-three years. No we don't always get along and the road has been rocky sometimes but we hang in there and know in the end the good will always out weigh the bad. We decided long ago bailing was not an option and to keep going forward no matter what. So far it seems to be working.
I can't write about AH without writing about my sons. When I had them at twenty-five I could ever have imagined what life would be like years later. They have grown into wonderful, caring hard working men. They have increased our family by picking the best women to marry and giving us five terrific grand kids, who could ask for anything more.
OK I'm getting sappy here so it's time to stop but I'm not done being thankful yet.
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