A couple of weeks ago my two youngest granddaughters 6 and 8 came to stay with us for several days. When we were talking about what they would like to do while they were here, the first thing they mentioned was going to see the girls with the horses. Our preachers daughters had stayed with all 5 grand kids while the adults went to celebrate my birthday a few months ago. Fancy restaurants and little kids are not a good match. They had talked about their horses so naturally my granddaughters remembered that. It was in the high 90's with a heat index at least 115. These lovely young women were so welcoming and kind. They let my girls hold and pet the rabbits, cuddle kittens, feed apples to the horses and most important took
them for a ride. I deeply appreciated the time and care
they took to give the kids a great time.
My girls are from the big city. They rarely have the
opportunity to see nature and farm life, so this day
was a huge thrill for them. They talked about horses
the rest of the week. So to Marney, Chloe and Baleigh
thank you so much you made two little girls very
Living in a rural area it is hard to remember that more and more kids are growing up without seeing animals, farms and even where their food comes from. I find this sad because the kids miss so many opportunities to experience new things. If you have the chance, take your kids or grand kids out into the country to see rural life first hand.
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