We are tired, there's still a ton of laundry and the camper is a wreck but we survived our family camping trip. Actually we had a great time. The grand kids were well behaved and I only heard "I'm bored" once. A suggestion to hang the offender by her toes in the whining tree stopped that. The adult kids were slightly less behaved, but we expected that. We ate, walked trails, ate, went to the playground, went swimming ate, had a water balloon fight, ate, did arts and crafts and ate again. What is it about the outside air that makes everyone starving all the time? We had such a good time we are already planning the next trip, but not in July!
#2 I've always said I got really lucky in the DIL department. I've got the sweetest, nicest women married
to my sons. This is Barb, married to Nathan. My pic of Sara would not behave and kept leaving the page. If you knew the real Sara you would know how unlike her that is. DIL Brandi couldn't come, she was preparing for a work trip. She was missed.
#3 cousins love to play together. Brendan and Jaydin.
#4 our favorite camping activity, eating.
all had a good time and was ready to go home when it was over.